If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It

Last week was hell. I usually try to post a photo every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, relying on a backlog whenever I don't have anything new. But I spent last week prepping for a 2nd half of 2013 planning meeting at work. These things are fire drills; we get our assignments and format for deliverables just a couple days ahead of the event and then its a mad scramble to collect data, think deep thoughts, and review with others prior to the meeting. Well, that's in the rear view mirror for the time being.
Above is photo of an orchid that my wife bought and put on our kitchen table. Science calls it Phalaenopsis Orchid, but to me it looks like the Predator creature. The photo is a fairly subtle HDR shot. I think I took this with my sluggish kit lens; the shallow depth of field is more a result of the focal length than the aperture.
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