
This week the senior managers of my company had an off-site 2013 planning meeting. I've gone on a few with this company, but this is the first one I've gone to where we sequestered ourselves so far away from the office. It was awesome to get away from the interruptions and distractions! The site this year was the Hyatt Lost Pines in Bastrop, TX. It's a really nice resort on the Colorado river, with golf, horse riding, skeet shooting, hiking, swimming, and a bunch of other outdoor activities. Yeah, I know. Sounds like irresponsible executive spending. But the honest truth is we spent the vast majority of time in marathon meetings and not enjoying the resort's attractions. We devoted a grand total of two hours (during our two days) to skeet shooting and one evening of hanging out and drinking, and the rest of the time was filled with meetings. What's good about these meetings is the opportunity for everybody to get back on the same page and set common priorities, because the hardest part of the job is deciding what you're not going to work on
Oh yes, the photo! This is the lobby of the hotel. It's a great facility. Simultaneously fancy and homey. Unfortunately, I didn't have much spare time to snap pictures, but I did get a few which will probably make it into the blog over time. I got this at about 6AM one morning prior to prepping PowerPoint slides for the day's meetings. That's the best time to photograph a hotel because there's nobody about except hotel staff and the really committed exercisers. Not many people to walk through your shot, and the tripod isn't a nuisance.